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Codex - 24th June 2023 @ WHW

Started by MarcoSkoll, June 02, 2023, 04:51:44 PM

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Warhammer World, Saturday 24th June 2023


Brothers and Sisters,

The Inquisitors of the Carthax sector are called to congregate upon Tigguo Cobauc, and form a council to decide upon the use of the recently recovered Grallus Codex.

It must be collectively decreed whether this artefact will be deployed as a first strike in the Carthax Sector's holy crusade into the Alykia sector, whether it shall be placed into the Conclave's vaults, or whether this technology is deemed tainted by Abominable Intelligence.

- M


Sorry about being late getting out this event pack, but we are still on track for an event later this month!

This particular narrative actually follows on from the earlier events of The Saint (back in 2011), Legacy (in 2018), and indeed a Dark Heresy campaign that span off it (but you won't need to know the specifics of that!), looking into the first stages of the Carthax Sector's crusade into its fallen neighbour, the Alykia Sector.

Event Pack

Currently, we have enough tables for twelve attendees. The event is not strictly ticketed, but priority will be given on a first-come basis to those who have told the organiser in writing that they're attending. If you later can't attend, or think you may have to drop out, please notify me as soon as possible.
S.Sgt Silva Birgen: "Good evening, we're here from the Adeptus Defenestratus."
Captain L. Rollin: "Nonsense. Never heard of it."
Birgen: "Pick a window. I'll demonstrate".

GW's =I= articles


"Heretics are like cockroaches - annoying to find, and even more annoying to kill." - unattrib.


Tickets booked.
No escape.
Well, egregious wastage in case of escape, anyway.

I was planning on getting House Nepotem ready for the show, but they are decidedly obviously not GW-based toys, and are in fact obviously literally toys dressed up as grown up minature objet d'art.

I'm not sure whether I'm speedpainting a scum gang led by a deep undercover Interrogator infiltrator, or bringing the AdMech team we all know and... are familiar with.
Or both, and decide as each table appeals.


I should be there.

I don't know whether to use one of my existing teams or if I'll have time to finish the new version of Isabella...


I should check - is anyone heading up through St Pancras on the Saturday, and do they want to meet up for the journey?
S.Sgt Silva Birgen: "Good evening, we're here from the Adeptus Defenestratus."
Captain L. Rollin: "Nonsense. Never heard of it."
Birgen: "Pick a window. I'll demonstrate".

GW's =I= articles


I missed the earlier train, they canceled the later one.
Not going to make it to St Pancras in time, or to Nottingham.

Have a good time saving the Emperor's soul!


Good news everyone, I made it.
Bad news everyone, I don't think we saved the Emperor's soul.
Sure did battle for it though.


I think the end result was very much a draw, with lots of fun and craziness on the way. I had a thoroughly enjoyable day overall, with Isabella's head being the usual magnet for ranged attacks and plenty of psychically induced chaos. Good to see a new face too.


I'm working on an "official" report, but while I'm mucking around with that, some pictures from the day:
S.Sgt Silva Birgen: "Good evening, we're here from the Adeptus Defenestratus."
Captain L. Rollin: "Nonsense. Never heard of it."
Birgen: "Pick a window. I'll demonstrate".

GW's =I= articles