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Yaktribe tribeMEET 2023

Started by karandras_sh, September 26, 2022, 07:50:50 PM

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I have have just got back from this year's event, but the organising committee were talking about inviting other groups who play other specialist games to join them for the weekend. I said I would put the feelers out to you guys.

They have actually already booked the hall and announced the date of next year's event 23rd to the 24th of September 2023 same location as last year

Details of this year's event

To give you an idea of size. They planned for 40 participants,  we had around 35, in the necromunda campaign this year but had over 25 tables of terrain to choose from and space in another room for others. We played a huge game of battlefleet gothic till 2am. And there was interest in inquisitor but due to playing the bfg game we didn't get a chance.

Last year event was initially planned to be 50 participants. But due to COVID not as many people were able to attend but we still had 25 tables of terrain to use.
All Lies Lead to the Truth


That looks dead fun - Thundercube in particular is dope.

[I recognise this might be information I could find myself trivially, but it might be handy to have in the discussion thread:]

Is the main event strictly Necromunda? I saw BFG, sounds like a post-game-day game.

Do folks play an actual advancement'n'injuries campaign over the weekend, or just semi-linked pickup games?

I can get a gang or two up and running, but I'd really be playing Necromunda to cleanse the palate between Inquisitions. If that's one or two Necromunda games each day, without wrecking campaign matches for someone else, then that'd be ideal.
Heck, if I can make a 28mm counterpart to my 54mm Interrogangers, that'd be even better.


The main event was a weekend long necromunda campaign, including advancements and deaths. Using the yaktribe updated necromunda 95 rules.  There is no set amount of necromunda games you have to play I think I only played 4 to 5 games and 2 of thundercube that weekend, oh and the big game of bfg. And I had quite a bit of down time between. The weekend is very relaxed with the committee wanting everyone to enjoy themselves rather than trying to power game through the weekend.

In terms of inquisitor I am trying to gauge interest for either a couple of linked games or a full campaign weekend using the space they have.

Next year's theme has been hinted possibility is wild west, with maybe some trains.
All Lies Lead to the Truth


All Lies Lead to the Truth


Well, I guess I should learn me some Necromunda.
It looks like Nucromunda with updates?
As opposed to 95cromunda (reaching a bit with that one).

Also, for tent-dwellers, is there any sort of shower/civilisation available?
[It looks like there is a shower block listed on the facilities on the venue site, I hope/assume that's available.]

And how quickly does it sell out/fill up?


It did not sell out this year but it will fill up quite quickly as there is plenty of interest from this year's attendees. But as it is a year out there isn't a rush.

I stayed on site this year there was a small queue for the showers but people were getting up from before 7 and the day didn't get going till after 9. The only thing to note there isn't any cooking facilities within the building. There were 9 campers this year but there was room for every one to camp.

The big limitation of the site is you have to drive off site if you want a shopping supplies. There are a couple of fast food places that deliver (Domino's for one).

The rules are yaktribe's community updated rules, based on the living rulebook from the end of specialist games, a bit like Marcoskoll is trying to accomplish. Just this week they were discussing changes to pit slave gangs as their were multiple people running them. Also Spyers and hit and run scenarios are being looked at.
All Lies Lead to the Truth


Cool, that sounds workable.
I'll probably put a hold on actually buying a ticket until i get a chance to actually play a game of Necromunda, but I think I'm planning on attending and bringing some bigscale toys too.


Just to say I have bought for my for my ticket and I will be camping onsite. so if any of you guys can come I will be definitely be up for a game or 2.
All Lies Lead to the Truth


Oh yeah that reminds me I was planning on getting a ticket.


@Cortez did you get a ticket?
All Lies Lead to the Truth