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Warband 2 - Inquisitor Rayne Serephen, the models

Started by Hum_Con, May 21, 2012, 10:15:36 PM

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I have posted the rules for Rayne Serephene in the rules section. Here is her model, all painted and ready to go.

I have always loved the Jena Orechiel model and didn't want to make any major changes. However, the shuriken pistol was clearly more appropriate for an Ordo Xenos character, rather than the Ordo Hereticus Psyker I had in mind. The hand and staff were spare form a box of Chaos Warriors, while the head of the staff was from the Eisenhorn model that provided the legs and head of Inquisitor Grummond.


Lovely paint job, especially the skin tone. Also, whether intentional or not, she looks like she has a far away, brewing up a psyker sh*t storm vacant stare. Well looks that way to me,,,,,
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched c-beams glitter in the dark near the Tanhauser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.

Time to die.


Really like the paint job, I agree with shannow about the far away stare

Never thought of using the chaos stuff for this sort of conversion

Just a quick question, is the hand/staff from chaos space marines or warriors of chaos


It's from Warriors of Chaos. The back of the glove has been cut right back leaving only the hand.


She looks good, I like the staff,it looks really psychic.
Circles of the wise My attempt at writing something, please comment on it if you have any advise.


I think the angle of the picture has helped, but she has come out with quite an intense look that, although not planned, is very welcome.


And here is model 2, Tech Priest Martel Cranch.

I have wanted to make a Tech Priest for ages, but, although I really liked the head and right arm, I always felt that Delphan Gruss didn't look bionic enough, so some heavy conversion work was in order.

I didn't want to use the breacher arm as that always felt very character specific, so I swapped it out for a chain fist made using two chainsword blades back to back with the engine glued to the top. The Servo arm was made from old Mega-Gargant pieces, with the head replaced with the breacher drill and two of the Mecha-dendrite heads. The rest of the cables were attached wherever there was space. The light over his shoulder comes from a Warhammer 40,000 building set. I had to do a lot of pinning to make this work. In fact the only parts that aren't pinned are his head and chain fist. Consequently, you can lift him up by any of the cables.


Really excellent work and another top paint job as well.

The arm is huge without looking like you've just glued it on, though a back shot would be good if its available, the little touch of the motor on top of the chainfist is also very nice.

Looking forward to see what other models you produce!
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched c-beams glitter in the dark near the Tanhauser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.

Time to die.


Gah. Let that be a lesson not to post at 5 in the morning without having gone to sleep.... I'm guessing that my penal legion post ending up in here may have been to do with the way that logging in sometimes changes what page you're viewing if you've got multiple tabs open.

Anyway, the model looks pretty great at the moment. The paint job is striking and fits in nicely with the Jenna Orichiel model. However, with regard to the staff, I can't help but feel that it would look a little bit more awesome if she were holding it the other way up, as if she were pointing something out to her followers... It's a small issue, but one that I think would add a lot to the piece.

"Somehow, Inquisitor, when you say 'with all due respect,' I don't think that you mean any respect at all."

"I disagree, governor. I think I am giving you all of the respect that you are due..."


Ynek, I think that your post ended up in the wrong place.

The priest looks very good, he looks like a proper tech priest. As has been said before the servo-arm looks like it actually fits on the model which is great. Another addition I really like is the lanters, somehow that little piece adds a lot for me.
Circles of the wise My attempt at writing something, please comment on it if you have any advise.


A couple more shots of Martel Cranch. One from the front, which gives a better view of the cables, and another from the side/rear so that you can see where the Servo arm attaches to his back.


I really like how the arm is connected, it looks a lot more possible than most servo-arms.
Circles of the wise My attempt at writing something, please comment on it if you have any advise.


I have finished model number 3, Mutant Revolutionary Salazar Grund.

The bulk of the model, in more ways than one, is the Preacher Josef I used for Hans Grummond's arms. The rest is made from parts from the Chaos conversion pack and a couple of spare Ogre bits from my bits box. I like the way Grund has spindly arms, in spite of his bulk and I imagine his legs are similar. Sort of like a giant frog.


The model looks very good. He looks like a priest and a mutant, like he is described. One thing that you could do different are the scales, they have the same colour as the skin as far as I can see and I think that if they were a bit darker it would make them look better, but that probably just is me.
Circles of the wise My attempt at writing something, please comment on it if you have any advise.


Nice looking mutant, I agree.  Good personality to the whole warband.  I don't mind that the scales blend into the skin tone.  If they stood out it might make him look a bit more exotic or xenos, rather than a scabby mutant.
I had better point out, that some of the clubs I represent are of a military bent.

You know what you are?  A plywood shark!